Thanks to reader Richard Robinson, here are the first photos we've seen (as of August 1999) of the 2000 gruppos--including the brand-new Campagnolo "ErgoBrain" computer! All of these photos were scanned from a Japanese magazine, so we can't offer any help on what the text says, but the pictures speak for themselves. (If anyone out there can translate, please Email us!) Just added: This photo from the German online magazine Messenews of the ErgoBrain Computer: Click on any of these thumbnails for a larger version. To read our Rumors about the 2000 lines and beyond, click here. Added Sept. 2: Photos of the new ten-speed Ergo levers and cassettes. Find them on the Rumors page! The specs for the new Daytona 2000 gruppo:
The following specs for the Record 2000 gruppo which have been reduced from the '99 gruppo: