Craig Maclachlan's Hinault 753
is equipped with an 8-speed gruppo. Check out the nice Cobalto

Brent Avery's 1978 Sabatini
"Record" is almost entirely as it was when he brought
it home new from the shop.

Great photos of George Bazis'
recently restored 1980s Raliegh. Click
here for more pics

David Coker bought this 1988
Paramount in 1991, even though it was S-equipped. It's all Campy

Ress Bautista's Tommasini,
equipped with C-Record and Delta brakes. Home for this bike is
in the Philippines.

Kevin Ruberg's Peugeot. Here's
what he says about it

Geoff Parker of Melbourne,
Australia, bought this Vitus Carbon Kevlar 9 in France in 1989
and has ridden it ever since. Nice Delta brakes.

An unusual Moulton folder and a
Roberts track bike--both Campagnolo equipped. Owner is Desmond


This Campy-equipped Bonavia
track bike has been racing for a long time.
For more info: click

Nice example of a late '80s
Colnago, with first generation 8-speed and Delta brakes. Owner
is Michael Abene
Lots of cool retro details on
Manfred Fratzl's 1984 Puch. Hometown is Vienna, Austria.
Mike Bishop bought this Austro
Daimler Vent Noir II in 1980 with GS equipment. He's upgraded to
Super Record, C Record, Nuovo Record, and Chorus.
Pat Turner or Olympia, WA,
bought this unusually large Eddy Merckx 7-Eleven team edition a
few years ago and replaced a mix of parts with period correct

Samuel Delany bought this
1967 Atala new, and it has followed him around ever since.

Brian Murray's 1975 Whitcomb is
all original except for a newer crankset.


Alain Jalabert put a brand-new 50th
Anniversary Gruppo on his refurbished 1983 Marinoni. Niiice.

Ever wonder what some of these
bikes look like before they make it to the Gallery? Dave
LaMar's father has owned this Masi since it was new in the
mid-60's. Click here
for more photos.

Alexander Basuin's Gazelle
Champion Mondial, from the Netherlands

John Barringer's Haral is one of
only a dozen in the US. Read more

Kevin's 1989 Peugeot

Wilson Hubbell's 1964 Bianchi
Specialissima sports that company's proprietary integrated
headset. Universal brakes, since this bike pre-dated
Campagnolo's brakes.

Nels Cone of Seattle, WA, says
this of his all-steel Concorde

Very nice Campy-equipped Saronni
We've misplaced the info
about this bike--webmaster@campyonly.com!

Chrome lugs and a C-Record
gruppo grace this Lotus Record
We've misplaced the info
about this bike--webmaster@campyonly.com!
Ronan Pensec rode this Z Team
bike in the Tour de France

Michael Wainfield bought this
Legnano in 1975--it is still mostly original.

Cool Italian transport! George
Argiris' 20th Anniversary edition Torelli

Glenn Swanson found this 1988
Masi 3V on the local Craigslist in Honolulu, Hawaii. Full

Super Record equipment makes
Kevin Butz's 1978 Guierciotti go.

Tom Schwoegler restored this
"curly stay" Hetchins. More photos here

Mike Barnhart's 1990 Pogliaghi
still uses mostly original Athena parts.

Except for the usual stuff
(tapes, tires, etc.) this custom 1985 Medici is just as it was
when a then-16-year-old Dana Coelho bought it. Cool.

Great photos of the Gran Sport
gruppo on James Booth's 1983 Raleigh. Click
here for photos

When David Coker bought this
1988 Paramount, it was all S-equipped. He has since changed over
to (almost all) Campagnolo. Says David, "I LOVE THIS OLD

Russell Jone's 1984 Strawberry
was built by a local Oregon framebuilder.

Dean's 1969 Cinelli carries an
"Especiale Corsa" designation, reflecting the
special-order no-chrome frame. All original except for the rims.

Cleave Law is the original owner
of this 1975 Bianchi.
More info

The maple leaves on the head
tubes leave no doubt about Andy Lamarre's country--but the Campy
equipment on his stable of bikes makes it clear that Italy has a
place in his heart as well. All are Marinoni.

Now here is a Retro
bike--a very clean fixed-gear town bike originally built for the
track in 1953!.
Click here for more info about this bike


Yet another Colnago from the
Golden Era. Full Super Record (except for a Cobalto front der).
Cool high flange hubs. Owner is J Blake.
Here's a rare piece--A Campy
Pete Page of Chandlers Ford,
Hampshire, U.K., sent these photos of his 1957 Hetchins
"Magnum Bonum." Lots of cool stuff, including a very
early Record derailleur.

Anthony's Fiorelli features a
Gran Sport cotterless crankset and a steel rear derailleur.

George Bazis sent photos from
Greece of his 1968 Cinelli Speciale Corsa. Click
here for more photos.

Derrick Bourgeois' 1972
Bottecchia is mostly original

A nice retro-flavored Eddy
Merckx. Look closely--those are genuine Campy brake lever hoods.
Owner is Harry Rönnberg

Erik Swanson polished out
everything on his retro Schroder, originally purchased in

Several images from the 1948
Italian film, "The Bicycle Thief" The first shows an
interior shot--over the young boy's bed is a poster for the Giro
d'Italia. Second shot is of several period bikes. Third is of a
small peloton that flashes across the screen toward the end of
the film--look closely, and you can see several cambio corsa-equipped

You'll have to go to Croatia to
see Nenad Ciglar's 1988 Pinarello. C-Record parts and Delta

Steve Samuelson looked back in
time to build up his '95 Bianchi. Mostly Super Record, with
7-speed index shifting. He built the wheels himself. Says Steve,
"Not even Tylenol stops Campy fever!"
Bob Rogen's newly built Della
Santa does a great job of re-creating the classic era.

Very nice retro-styled,
Campy-equipped fixie from Gary Boulanger of Cycles Gaansari
in Ohio. The special parts took Gary a year to find (click
here for a complete list) Visit Gary's web site: www.gaansari.com

Campy Only's Retro Benotto has
undergone the full Joe Bell
treatment. Click here for more