Campy Only's weapon of choice (for the second year) was our fixed-gear Soma, this time equipped with 50x19 gearing (one tooth higher than last year's 50x20--a little harder on the uphills, but nicer on the flats and downhills). We stopped at every rest stop--partly to enjoy to the rest stop goodies, and partly to let our legs stop moving for a while. Our target time for the ride was 14 hours, and we ended up finishing in 13:59--a full 90 minutes faster than last year! (BTW, we did the math and figured it took about 54,000 pedal strokes--yes, pedaling every inch of the way--to go around the entire DC course.) And now ... the photos. us if you would like a slighter higher-res version, or if you can ID any of the folks in the photos. More Ride Photos | Campy Only | Photos from prior DC's: 2002 | 2003 | 2004